Tallahassee Now
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Tallahassee, Florida                          Dedicated to the First Amendment                                              March 2012

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Black Panther Party members appeared at the rally after setting a bounty on suspect George Zimmerman

Rally, pictures at Sanford march for Trayvon Martin – before April arrest of George Zimmerman

By Kendra McLemore
Florida A&M University

Sanford, Fla., March 26 —The gurarantee “with liberty and justice for all” – part of the Pledge of Allegiance – is what the parents of Trayvon Martin are asking for.

Friends, family, and thousands of protesters gathered at a town hall meeting held by the City of Sanford commissioners at the Sanford Civic Center in Sanford, Fla., on Monday to demand justice for the death of Martin.

Martin was shot a month ago as he walked from a convenience store with Skittles and an iced tea.

Martin was in a gated community where he was heading back to his fathers’ girlfriend's  townhome.

He was approached by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, who admits to following Martin in a 911 call.

The Revs. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Jamal Bryant were among some of the speakers to address the panel of commissioners.

Sharpton, a civil rights leader, delivered a petition that had over 2 million signatures demanding Zimmerman’s arrest.

“It’s natural for a son to bury his mother, but it’s unnatural for parents to bury their child. Do the right thing and arrest Zimmerman now,” said Sharpton.

The crowd chanted “Do the right thing” as Sharpton took his seat. At the rally, also, the "New Black Panther" Party cut the American flag in pieces at a park where the rally occurred. They had put a bounty on Zimmerman.

Trayvon’s parents asked commissioners to make things right.

Trayvon's father 's voice weighed with grief as he said to the commissioners that the greatest gift God can give to a man is a son.

“The Sanford Police Department needs to be held accountable,” said Tracy Martin. “We are not asking for an eye for an eye, we are asking for justice, justice, justice.”

Trayvon’s mother, more soft-spoken, said her heart is broken.

 “I know I cannot bring my baby back,” said Sybrina Fulton, “but I am sure going to make changes so that this doesn’t happen to another family.”

“We still believe in the judicial system even though Zimmerman is walking free and Michael Vick went to prison for dogs,” said Pastor Bryant. 

Jackson said the whole world is watching Sanford. The whole world is watching Florida today.

Martin's family attorney Benjamin Crump said there are several questions that have been asked that have not been answered.

Sanford Police Department lead homicide detective Chris Serino wanted manslaughter charges against Zimmerman the night of the shooting. Serino reportedly filed an affidavit saying he was unconvinced by Zimmerman’s version of events.

However, State Attorney Norm Wolfinger said police didn’t have enough evidence to led to a conviction

“How long is it going to take to arrest George Zimmerman,” said Crump.

The case will appear in front of the grand jury April 10.




The Rev. Jesse Jackson spoke to council

Shirts tell the story of sympathies of crowd

No justice, no peace said the participants

People said to have died in Sanford incidents

Photos by Korbin Miles